Dominican Republic

Dominican Slang

Dominican Slang

Key Takeaway:

  • Dominican Slang is an essential part of Dominican culture and language, reflecting the unique characteristics and expressions specific to the country.
  • Familiarizing yourself with common Dominican slang terms such as “chévere,” “guagua,” and “jevi” can help you better understand and communicate with Dominicans.
  • Learning Dominican slang can enrich your experience in the Dominican Republic, allowing you to connect with locals on a deeper level and appreciate the nuances of the language.

Introduction to Dominican Slang

Photo Credits: Ktjkrug.Com by Christian Ramirez

Dominican Slang, a captivating aspect of Dominican culture and language, holds great importance and showcases unique characteristics. From its deep-rooted connection to the Dominican heritage to its vibrant expressions, this introduction will take you on a journey into the significance and distinctiveness of Dominican slang. Prepare to explore how this linguistic phenomenon reflects the rich cultural tapestry and adds flavor to everyday conversations in the Dominican Republic.

Importance of slang in Dominican culture and language

Slang is vital for Dominican culture and language. It adds flavor, fun, and understanding to their conversations – both formal and informal. Knowing Dominican slang is important for visitors or those living in the DR who want to get close to locals and understand the culture.

Dominican slang is a mix of African, Spanish, and indigenous elements. It links various social groups and ages. Slang is informal and authentic, and it helps Dominicans to bond. By using it, they show respect for the language.

Dominican slang is creative and changes often. People use witty words and expressions. The slang reflects music, trends, and popular culture. Learning it keeps language proficiency up-to-date.

Pro Tip: To learn Dominican slang, practice it regularly with native speakers. It helps with fluency and understanding cultural nuances. Chatting with locals increases your DR experience.

Unique characteristics of Dominican slang

The Dominican Republic has a rich cultural identity embodied in its Dominican slang. It stands out from other forms of slang due to its unique characteristics. These include:

  • It being heavily influenced by African and Spanish languages, reflecting its past and culture.
  • Frequent use of diminutives & augmentatives to add emphasis or express endearment.
  • Vibrant and colourful vocabulary, often borrowed from other languages or created through wordplay.

These features give the language charm and liveliness. It also has a strong sense of creativity and adaptability, with Dominicans creating new words for specific situations or sentiments. Moreover, Dominican slang is deeply rooted in everyday life, enabling its speakers to connect with one another.

By understanding the unique characteristics of Dominican slang, one can gain insight into its linguistic diversity and cultural nuances. Immersing oneself in this vibrant world will help to navigate social interactions, forge connections with locals, and gain an appreciation for Dominican culture.

Common Dominican Slang Terms

Common Dominican Slang Terms

Photo Credits: Ktjkrug.Com by Eric Clark

Dominican Slang is full of vibrant expressions that add flavor to everyday conversations. In this section, we’ll explore some of the most common slang terms used in the Dominican Republic. From Chévere, meaning “cool” or “great,” to Guagua, which refers to a bus, each sub-section will unveil the unique meanings and contexts behind these colorful expressions. Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of Dominican Slang and broaden your linguistic horizons!

Chévere: Meaning “cool” or “great”

Chévere is a cool and great Dominican slang term that locals use to express positivity. It’s an integral part of the culture and language. It helps people connect on a deeper level and express themselves.

Chévere stands out from other slang due to its versatility. It can be used in many contexts to show enthusiasm. It can be used to describe enjoyable experiences or praise accomplishments.

Understanding the literal translation of chévere is important, but it’s also vital to comprehend its cultural connotations. Using it correctly will help you connect with native Dominicans.

Practice Dominican slang like chévere in real-life conversations. This way, you can get a better understanding of the Dominican culture. Embrace the true essence of this fascinating nation!

Guagua: Refers to a bus or public transportation

Text: Guagua is the term often used in Dominican slang. This refers to a mode of transportation like a bus or other public transportation. It is important for visitors and language learners to understand this common term. It is deeply rooted in the Dominican culture.

The word guagua has special meaning in Dominican slang. It is a sign of the country’s reliance on public transport. For Dominicans, it is more than just getting from one place to another. It is a symbol of community and connection. Knowing this term can help people navigate the country better.

Guagua also covers other forms of public transportation like vans and minibusses. This versatility in the term helps Dominicans communicate easily when referring to any type of vehicle used for public commuting. Learning this unique aspect of Dominican slang let individuals immerse and embrace the local language expressions.

Jevi: Slang for “good” or “awesome”

Dominican slang is an essential part of the language and culture of the country. A popular term is “Jevi,” meaning “good” or “awesome.” It is often used to show enthusiasm, excitement, and satisfaction. It is popular among young people in the Caribbean.

“Jevi” can be used for many things. A party, a meal, an event, or a performance – all can be described as “jevi.” It has a positive sentiment and is used in conversations and gatherings. An example is when one inquires about a party, a Dominican might say “¡Estuvo jevi!” meaning “It was awesome!”

What makes “Jevi” special is its versatility. It can be used to describe anything enjoyable or commendable. Movies, sports matches, or a night out with friends – all can be described as “jevi.” This reflects the vibrant and expressive nature of Dominican culture. Knowing this and other slang terms, like “chévere” (meaning cool or great), visitors to the Dominican Republic can better understand the culture.

Pilas: Used as a warning or reminder to be careful

Pilas, a term commonly used in Dominican slang, is a warning or reminder to be careful. It is a versatile expression that carries great significance within the Dominican culture and language.

It’s not just a simple phrase; it holds an essential part of communication in the Dominican Republic. Knowing how to use it and its cultural context can help prevent misunderstandings and strengthen interactions.

Dominican slang, including Pilas, adds life and variety to the language. Its special features reflect the lively spirit and rich heritage of the Dominican people. Such expressions create a sense of community and provide knowledge into their lifestyle.

By understanding Pilas and other Dominican slang terms, people can connect better with locals, explore new places, and make meaningful relationships. Being aware of this allows for more genuine experiences while respecting the cultural quirks of the gorgeous island nation.

The importance lies in accepting Dominican slang as a form of unity and acceptance. Through its use, outsiders can gain more understanding into local customs while honoring Dominican culture. So, póngase las pilas (be on your toes) and embrace the colorful world of Dominican slang!

Fula: Describing something as ugly or unattractive


Fula is a Dominican slang term for “ugly”. It’s used to describe people, objects, or situations that are displeasing to the eye. The word has become an everyday expression for Dominicans to express dissatisfaction. It’s unique to Dominican culture and adds depth to conversations.

Fula has a deeper meaning than just “ugly”. It can be used metaphorically to express disappointment in different contexts. For instance, it can refer to a poorly executed plan or a disappointing event outcome.

Fula is distinct from other Spanish words for “ugly” due to its specific usage in the Dominican culture. It shows the creativity and vibrancy of Dominican speech. Despite its negative connotation, it’s not meant to be offensive when used in its cultural context.

A tourist visiting Santo Domingo once encountered a story related to fula. He received some unsatisfactory goods from a vendor, and nearby locals were mentioning the word fula. It was their way of acknowledging the poor quality of the goods. The tourist learned how language and slang shape communication in different cultures.

Bregar: Meaning “to work hard” or “to struggle”

Bregar is a Dominican slang term with the meaning of ‘to work hard’ or ‘to struggle’. It reflects the dedication and determination needed to beat challenges and achieve success. In Dominican culture, bregar means putting effort into work, relationships, and personal goals. This slang word emphasizes the importance of resilience and tenacity.

Bregar is more than hard work. It also means overcoming obstacles and facing challenges head-on with grit and determination. Bregar is deeply rooted in Dominican culture, showing the values of hard work and perseverance.

Moreover, bregar can also mean dealing with tough circumstances. It shows the everyday hardships Dominicans face, both as individuals and as a society. Bregar shows resilience in the face of adversity and is a reminder to be strong during tough times. This unique part of Dominican slang reveals the resilience and determination of its people.

It is important to remember that, although bregar may be similar to Spanish terms for ‘work’, its use in Dominican slang carries connotations of perseverance and toughness that go beyond physical labor. Knowing the subtleties behind words like bregar allows for a greater comprehension of Dominican culture and gives valuable understanding of the values and mindsets of its people.

And if you ever visit the Dominican Republic, beware of ‘tigueres’ – they are streetwise troublemakers!

Tiguere: Describing someone who is street-smart or a troublemaker

Tiguere is a term used in the Dominican Republic to describe a person who is street-smart and mischievous. They are often seen as rule-breakers or troublemakers. It reflects an individual’s resourcefulness, cunning, and ability to navigate challenging situations. It carries a certain level of respect in Dominican culture.

But, tiguere can have negative connotations depending on the context. To connect with Dominican culture and heritage, embrace the power of plátanos!

Plátano Power: Referring to pride in Dominican culture and heritage

Plátano Power is a phrase used by Dominicans to show their pride in their culture and heritage. The “plátano” refers to the plantain fruit, which is a major part of Dominican cooking. By using the term “Plátano Power,” Dominicans are expressing their connection to their culture. This phrase conveys a sense of unity and strength between Dominicans.

The uniqueness of Plátano Power is that it brings Dominicans together through a shared symbol. It not only shows pride, but also serves as a call to action for them. It emphasizes the importance of preserving Dominican traditions and contributions. Plátano Power allows people to connect to their roots, increasing their sense of identity. It unites Dominicans from different generations, areas, and experiences.

Plátano Power also goes beyond its linguistic meaning. It symbolizes resilience, creativity, and perseverance that is part of Dominican culture. The plátano itself shows resourcefulness since it can be cooked in different ways. Just like the plátano, Dominicans have shown resilience in facing challenges. Plátano Power embodies this spirit of determination and resourcefulness in Dominican culture.

Morro: Slang for a young kid, either a boy or a girl


Morro – a slang term for a young kid, used among Dominicans. Boys or girls, it doesn’t matter! This is an example of the unique Dominican slang.

It’s often used in informal conversations, showing off the vibrant and distinct nature of Dominican language. Different Spanish-speaking countries use different words to refer to young children. But Morro is specific to the Dominican Republic.

This term helps capture the nuances of everyday communication among locals. Gaining an understanding and using this term allows individuals to better connect with Dominicans and gain a deeper appreciation for their culture.

Vaina: A versatile word that can mean “thing,” “problem,” or “situation”

The versatile term “vaina” is often used in Dominican slang. It can refer to an object or item, a problem, or a situation. So, it’s no surprise that this word is an essential part of Dominican communication.

Rather than saying “thing,” “problem,” or “situation,” Dominicans may use “vaina” to convey various concepts concisely. For instance, when referring to an object, they could say “vaina.” When facing a problem, they could also use the same word to express the issue. Likewise, when discussing a particular situation, Dominicans may opt for the term “vaina” instead.

Apart from its practicality, “vaina” has a special cultural significance among Dominicans. Its use not only allows them to communicate more quickly but also fosters a sense of unity within the local community.

If you want to sound more like a local, be sure to use “vaina” appropriately in conversations and when engaging in Dominican culture. This will help you understand the colloquial expressions in the language better.

More Dominican Slang Phrases

More Dominican Slang Phrases

Photo Credits: Ktjkrug.Com by Randy Anderson

Uncover the vibrant world of Dominican slang as we delve into more intriguing phrases that will immerse you in the local culture. From “A medio talle,” meaning unfinished, to “Pegar cuernos,” describing infidelity in relationships, each sub-section represents a unique facet of the Dominican language. Get ready to learn the meaning behind phrases like “Chercha” for light-hearted jokes, and “Concho” referring to public transportation. Join us on this linguistic journey as we explore the richness of Dominican slang.

A medio talle: Meaning unfinished

A medio talle” is a Dominican slang term. It means unfinished or halfway done. It’s used in informal conversations to show that not everything needs to be perfect. It reflects how Dominicans prioritize enjoyment and living in the moment.

However, “a medio talle” isn’t suitable for formal or professional contexts. Non-Dominicans can learn this phrase to gain insight into the culture. This helps them engage in meaningful conversations with locals. In other words, it’s all about chercha – taking things lightly because life’s too short for seriousness.

Chercha: Referring to a joke or taking things lightly

Chercha is a Dominican slang term used to describe making jokes or taking things lightly. It reflects the laid-back and humorous nature of the Dominican people. When someone uses chercha, they express a playful attitude towards a situation or conversation.

Humor plays an important role in Dominican culture. Chercha is one way Dominicans show their lightheartedness. It can be used in various contexts, like when sharing jokes with friends or lightening up a serious conversation.

Chercha is unique compared to other Dominican slang words. It captures the spirit of taking things lightly, not just telling jokes. It reflects the energetic, positive outlook on life often found in Dominican people.

Dominican slang terms provide insights into the country’s culture and help outsiders understand it better. Learning and using these slang expressions is a great way to connect with locals. By incorporating them into your vocabulary, you can have authentic cultural experiences. So, take things lightly and embrace the spirit of chercha!

Hacer coro: To hang out or support another person

Hacer coro is a Dominican slang term for hanging out with or backing someone. It can be used in many contexts, like joining a person for social activities or showing solidarity with their cause. This phrase captures the significance of friendship and community in Dominican culture, where individuals come together to uplift each other. By using hacer coro, Dominicans demonstrate they’re willing to be with one another, whether it’s by spending time together or providing emotional support.

Plus, hacer coro isn’t only for close friends or family members, but also acquaintances and even strangers. Dominicans value unity and often find comfort and strength in uniting as a group. Whether it’s attending events, participating in activities, or lending an ear, hacer coro symbolizes connecting with others on both personal and communal levels.

It’s important to note that hacer coro is more than just socializing; it means a strong bond between people. In Dominican culture, assisting one another is essential to build relationships and support a strong sense of community. By engaging in hacer coro, individuals display empathy, compassion, and real interest in each other’s well-being. This creates an atmosphere where people feel heard, comprehended, and backed.

One example of hacer coro could be seen during a charity event organized by a local group. People of all backgrounds came to give their time and resources to help those in need. Volunteers created tight bonds while working towards a shared goal, talking and cooperating to make sure the event succeeded. Through hacer coro, friends were made, new contacts were created, and the community was strengthened as everyone worked together to make a positive impact.

To conclude, hacer coro expresses the idea of hanging out with others and offering support when necessary. By understanding and employing this Dominican slang term, individuals can further bond with the local culture and form meaningful relationships within the Dominican community.

Taking public transportation in the Dominican Republic? Better buckle up for a wild concho ride!

Concho: Referring to public transportation

Concho is a popular term in Dominican slang. It’s used to refer to all types of public transport – buses, taxis, motorbikes and more. It’s an important part of Dominican culture.

Concho is versatile. It can mean taking public transport – “Voy a tomar un concho” (I’m going to take a concho). It can also describe chaos or disorganization – “Esto está hecho un concho” (This is a mess).

Understanding concho helps visitors and foreigners navigate the country better. It allows them to immerse themselves in Dominican culture. It’s an essential part of Dominican slang.

Chapiador: Describing a gold digger

A chapiador is a term in Dominican slang for a person who seeks financial gain from relationships. This usually applies to women who desire money or possessions rather than love.

In Dominican culture, a chapiador looks for resources and wealth. They may take advantage of someone with more money or status.

Characteristics of a chapiador include:

  • Materialistic: Money is the main goal.
  • Deceptive: Manipulating or deceiving others to get what they want.
  • Superficial: Prioritize wealth over emotional connection.
  • Opportunistic: Looking for partners with resources.
  • Lack genuine interest: Move on when they get what they want.

It’s important to understand the implications of this term. It is associated with negative connotations. It is best to foster genuine connections while interacting in Dominican culture.

Dominican Slang: Cheating in a relationship is called ‘pegar cuernos’ – a catchy phrase for unfaithfulness only found in the DR.

Pegar cuernos: To cheat in a relationship

Infidelity, also known as “Pegar cuernos” in Dominican slang, refers to the act of being unfaithful. This term carries a negative connotation and implies betrayal in a romantic relationship. It can cause damage to the trust and emotional wellbeing of those involved. “Pegar cuernos” sheds light on the complex dynamics of relationships, like trust, loyalty and commitment. It’s important to understand this term to grasp Dominican language and culture.

Knowing the signs of infidelity can help individuals address issues in their relationship and make informed decisions. While cheating can occur in any culture, understanding Dominican terminology helps us understand their perspective on infidelity.

Hacer serrucho: When it comes to group purchases, it’s all about money flying together.

Hacer serrucho: Contributing money for a group purchase

Individuals can “Hacer serrucho” to pool funds and make collective payments. Friends or colleagues may use this practice for a gift, outing, or other experience. Here are the steps:

  1. Discuss the purchase.
  2. Set contribution amounts.
  3. Collect and manage contributions.
  4. Make the collective payment.
  5. Enjoy it together.

Hacer serrucho” is great for sharing costs and having fun together. It encourages cooperation and inclusivity while being affordable for everyone.

Pasarse de contento: Meaning to exaggerate

Pasarse de contento is a Dominican slang phrase that means “to exaggerate”. It is used to describe someone who tends to overstate or amplify things. It’s commonly used in casual conversations and serves as a way to express the idea of going beyond truth or accuracy humorously.

When Dominicans use this phrase, they refer to someone who is too enthusiastic or excited. It implies that they make things sound more dramatic than they actually are. This may be unintentional or done for comedic effect. Pasarse de contento captures the idea of exaggeration and adds flavor to conversations.

Dominican slang is unique and plays an important role in their culture and language. It creates a sense of identity and connection among Dominicans. Understanding phrases like pasarse de contento helps individuals engage with Dominicans and appreciate their culture.

Sometimes, to find yourself, you need to step away from someone.

Sacar los pies: To lose touch with someone

“Sacar los pies” is a Dominican slang term that translates to “to lose touch with someone.” It’s used to describe when relationships or friendships fade due to a lack of communication or contact.

In Dominican culture, forming strong connections is highly valued. But when life gets busy, it can be easy to sacar los pies and drift away from people we care about. This might happen slowly or quickly, but either way, it results in a disconnect.

It’s important to note that sacar los pies doesn’t always mean someone has neglected or abandoned the relationship. Sometimes, life just makes it hard to stay in touch. But by making an effort to reach out and reconnect, relationships can be strengthened.

Interpersonal connections are a cornerstone of Dominican culture. So, it’s important not to forget our friends and loved ones along the way. To prevent ourselves from sacar los pies, try setting reminders to check-in with them regularly. Making an effort to stay connected can help maintain meaningful relationships.

Soltar en banda: To let go of someone or something

Soltar en banda is a Dominican phrase. It means “letting go of someone or something.” It’s the act of ending a relationship, or distancing yourself from a situation or person. This expresses the finality of cutting ties – it could be a friendship, a romance, or any other connection.

In Dominican culture, this is seen as an important action. It emphasizes prioritizing well-being and happiness. It encourages healthy boundaries and moving on from situations that don’t help you.

Soltar en banda is different from other cultures. It focuses on taking action to free yourself from unwanted attachments. It’s intentional. It shows that people can shape their lives and experiences.

It can also refer to letting go of bad habits. It encourages personal growth and development by abandoning negative patterns. This could be an addiction, or any destructive behavior. This phrase shows commitment to self-improvement and change.

This idea comes from Dominican culture’s emphasis on independence and freedom. It reflects the value of making choices for one’s own well-being. This phrase has become an important part of Dominican slang, encouraging self-care and living life to the fullest.

Conversation Example and Practice

Conversation Example and Practice

Photo Credits: Ktjkrug.Com by Paul Gonzalez

Immersing oneself in Dominican slang can be a great way to learn and apply its unique language and expressions. Engage in mock conversations and explore the nuances and meanings behind phrases. Practice proper pronunciation and intonation. Utilize interactive exercises to reinforce comprehension. This allows for the application of the language in a practical setting.

Further, one can gain cultural insights from each phrase and expression. These are rooted in Dominican culture, reflecting the vibrant and diverse nature of the country. It is believed that the origins of Dominican slang can be traced back to the merging of various regional dialects with African, Indigenous, and Spanish influences. Over time, it has continued to evolve, incorporating new words and expressions while maintaining its rich cultural roots.

Importance of Learning Dominican Slang

Importance of Learning Dominican Slang

Photo Credits: Ktjkrug.Com by Jesse Ramirez

Learning Dominican Slang is key to effective communication and understanding the culture. Immerse yourself in the unique expressions and words used in the Dominican Republic. This will help you connect with locals and navigate the environment.

Understanding Dominican Slang opens the doors to forming real connections with Dominican people. The extensive use of colloquial language reflects the country’s vibrant and dynamic culture. Knowing Dominican Slang will help you engage in authentic conversations and gain insights into local life. This fluency will promote mutual respect and appreciation, enhancing cultural exchange and fostering positive relationships.

Also, learning Dominican Slang has practical benefits. It helps you easily navigate local markets, restaurants, and transportation systems. Knowing common phrases and slang terms makes your travel experience better and reduces the chances of miscommunication or confusion. Plus, it can be advantageous in professional settings, aiding effective communication with local colleagues and clients.

To improve your grasp of Dominican Slang, consider several suggestions. Immersion in the local culture by talking to native speakers is a must. Listening to Dominican music, watching local movies, and reading Dominican literature are also helpful. Moreover, language exchange programs or online resources specifically dedicated to Dominican Slang are valuable tools for learning and practicing.



Photo Credits: Ktjkrug.Com by Anthony Scott


Exploring Dominican slang, it’s evident that this cultural aspect is full of unique vocabulary and expressions. Data shows it’s not just in one place or age group, but across the entire Dominican Republic. This reflects its daily importance among Dominicans. Knowing Dominican slang gives insight into the language and culture of the Dominican Republic.

Digging deeper, it’s clear Dominican slang has a variety of expressions unlike standard Spanish. These come from African, Indigenous, and European influences, creating a vibrant landscape. This mix of cultures leads to a dynamic slang, constantly evolving. It’s a reflection of history, traditions, and social dynamics in Dominican society.

More details not mentioned yet: Dominican slang is often lively with metaphors and imagery. It’s creative and inventive, adding new words and phrases all the time. This evolution keeps the slang relevant and vital.

A story highlighting the impact of Dominican slang involves a Dominican woman studying abroad. Though fluent in Spanish, she had difficulty understanding her Dominican friends due to their unique expressions. This showed the importance of Dominican slang as an element of identity and connection, even outside the homeland.

To sum up, Dominican slang is prominent and widespread in Dominican society. It reflects the diversity and historical influences of the Dominican Republic. Plus, its expressive nature and constant evolution make it essential to daily life. Knowing Dominican slang means understanding the language and appreciating the rich culture of the Dominican Republic.


Some Facts About Dominican Slang:

  • Dominican slang is a unique and integral part of the local language and culture in the Dominican Republic. (Sources: Team Research, Latin American Spanish Cafe)
  • ✅ The Spanish spoken in the Dominican Republic has been influenced by various races and languages throughout history, including African, English, and Taino expressions. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Dominican slang can be difficult to understand for non-native speakers due to its fast pace, casual nature, and unique vocabulary. (Sources: Team Research, FluentU)
  • ✅ Learning Dominican slang can help foreigners communicate with locals, navigate the country, and make friends. (Sources: Team Research, Latin American Spanish Cafe, FluentU)
  • ✅ Some common Dominican slang terms include “chévere,” “guagua,” “bregar,” “tiguere,” and “vaina.” (Sources: Team Research, Latin American Spanish Cafe, FluentU, Livelingua, Dominican Abroad, PopSugar)

FAQs about Dominican Slang

What is Dominican slang and why is it important to know?

Dominican slang refers to the unique words and expressions used by Dominicans in their everyday language. It is important to know Dominican slang in order to better understand and communicate with locals, navigate the country, and immerse oneself in Dominican culture.

How is Dominican slang different from slang in other Spanish-speaking countries?

Dominican slang is different from slang in other Spanish-speaking countries because of its unique vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural influences. The Dominican Republic has had a history of being influenced by various races and languages, including African, English, and Taino expressions, which have shaped the development of Dominican slang.

What are some common Dominican slang words and their meanings?

Some common Dominican slang words and their meanings include “chévere” (cool or great), “guagua” (bus or public transportation), “fula” (ugly or unattractive), “pilas” (be careful or pay attention), “bregar” (to work hard or struggle), “plátano power” (pride in Dominican culture), “tiguere” (street-smart or troublemaker), “morro” (young kid), and “vaina” (thing, problem, or situation).

Is it necessary to learn Dominican slang before visiting the Dominican Republic?

While it is not necessary to learn Dominican slang before visiting the Dominican Republic, it can greatly enhance your experience and ability to communicate with locals. Knowing and using Dominican slang can help you connect with locals on a deeper level and make your interactions more meaningful.

Where can I learn more about Dominican slang?

There are several resources available online where you can learn more about Dominican slang, including articles, language courses, and audio lessons. Some recommended resources include “FluentU,” “Latin American Spanish Cafe,” “Baselang,” and “Learn Spanish Con Salsa.”

How can I practice using Dominican slang?

To practice using Dominican slang, it is recommended to engage in conversations with native speakers, watch movies or TV shows in Spanish, listen to Dominican music or podcasts, and immerse yourself in Dominican culture. The more you practice using Dominican slang, the more comfortable and fluent you will become in the language.